Besuras HaGeulah / Besuras HaGeulah / Chapter 3


Behold, Moshiach is Here!

3 Min Read    7 Tishrei, 5751

May it be G-d's Will - and this is the essential point - that each and every one of us should become a "shaliach" (a messenger) to inform oneself, one's family, and all the Jews around him or her that: "Here he [Moshiach] comes."[1] and "Behold, this is our G-d... this is the L-rd for whom we hoped."[2]

(Note that the word "this" [indicating a clear recognition] is mentioned twice.)[3] and "Behold, David the Anointed King" [is here]- and therefore Eliyahu HaNavi [the prophet] already appeared a day earlier in T'verya [Tiberius][4] to announce the arrival of our righteous Moshiach.

It may be suggested that, since Moshiach can come any day - "I await his coming every day"[5] - and since Eliyahu HaNavi must announce Moshiach's arrival the day before, that therefore Eliyahu HaNavi actually comes every day to T'verya and announces the coming of Moshiach. The announcement is directed particularly to those who put themselves in a position of "I await his coming every day," even though (as is the custom of Chabad)[6] they do not actually articulate this verbally, but only think about it. [The announcement is made specifically to us] when we recite [this year],[7] from the well-known Psalm, the verse: "I have found My servant David, I have anointed him with My holy oil."[8]

...Added emphasis should be placed on all of the above this year, for two reasons. First, this year it is customary to recite the Psalm, which makes reference to the coming of Moshiach, when it states: "I have found my servant David, I have anointed him with my holy oil." In addition, this year we have reached the milestone of forty years since the passing of the Previous Rebbe, at which time "G-d has given you a heart to know and eyes to see and ears to hear."[9] These [being a "shaliach" to announce "Behold he comes" and hearing Eliyahu's pronouncement because "I await him every day"] become even more significant since seven days have already passed since we entered into the year [57]51 - ð"àùú which Jews have designated and disseminated as the year in which úåàìôð åðàøà - Arenu Niflaos - I will show him wonders, following the initials of the year.


1. Yeshayahu, remez 499; Also in P'sikta Rabasi, 37 (s.v. kumi ori).

2. In the Pesikta there [the version is] "to Edom."

Besuras HaGeulah

About the Book

The purpose of this book is to present to the reader the words of the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Shlita, concerning the unique time in which we live, with all the expressions and amazing declarations that we are actually standing on the threshold of Redemption, as well as the practical instructions required of us to hasten in reality the immediate Redemption.

- from the publisher's foreword

Published by
Vaad L'Hafotzas Sichos

About the Publisher

Since 1967, the "Vaad L'Hafotzas Sichos" submitted its weekly pamphlets of the Rebbe's Sichos to the Rebbe. Upon receiving the Rebbe's approval, Vaad would publish and distribute the pamphlets. In addition, in 1979, the Rebbe put Vaad in charge of some of Kehot’s printing operations.
(source: US Court)

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